My family would like to express our appreciation and sincere thanks to Doctor Meng for the wonderful treatment and exemplary care that he gave to my father during his rectal cancer surgery and two- week- stay in the hospital.
I came to see doctor Meng almost two weeks ago along with my father who was suspected to have the rectal cancer but waiting for the colonoscopy result.Doctor Meng quickly diagnosed my father’s problem and recommended surgery. My family was so incredibly nervous and daunted by the fear of unknown result of the cancer surgery , there seems never a time when all of fears go away when we are dealing with the Cancer. But Doctor Meng helped to lesson our anxiety expertly, not only with his rich clinical knowledge and skill but also the humane understanding of the feeling of the patient. All the interactions that we had with Doctor Meng was excellent, my father was treated as if the old friend rather than the patient who just met Doctor Meng merely twice.
My father’s surgery turned out to be very successful one, mainly attributing to the persistence, precision and skill that Doctor Meng performed during the surgery and the team -work of other devoted partners. The healing process is also ease one with the recovery time faster than we expected. Today, my family marvels at how much better my father’s situation is! Every time when I look at my father’s smiling face, I cann’t stop saying thanks to Doctor Meng who created a miracle in my father’s life and significantly improved his life quality ,though I know I never can thank him adequately.
A terrific surgeon can be the magician in people’s life, building the miracle with the passion and persistence, positively putting the focus on what can do rather than why can not do......
我于09.11.18日住进中日医院的 并安排周一做手术 这时孟医生找我说(你有一项心脏检查有点问题还得在做进一步检查要不然影响周一手术)这天已经是周五了我也不知咋办好 只见他说别急我带你去吧 (从楼上跑到楼下)找到心脏科的医生和人家好说呆说加了一个号才做了检查 又找到其它科的医生给我会诊直到说没问题可以手术 他才松了一口气 我想真是个好医生他比病人还急
后来我知道我的手术他也参与了 在住院期间他每天两三次查房 而且星期六和星期天早上也查房就看不见他休息 老看见他一天忙碌的身影
我得了这个病 心里时不时就茫然焦虑觉得没头了 经常问他一些问题 有时还是重复的 他不厌其烦耐心的给你讲 还时不时开个玩笑(保你20年)等等 让你感觉住院期间都是快乐的 同时给了我信心战胜疾病的信心 我想我是不幸的 同时又是幸运的能遇上这样认真负责人的好大夫 我心里踏实